Pageant Coaching Services


Interview & On-Stage Question

Interview and on-stage question are my favorite parts of the competition! These phases truly spotlight the winner above the rest and the skills you learn here can be applied throughout your life. With my formula, you will be ready for any question thrown your way and have control of the conversation!


Swimsuit & Evening Gown

Stage Presence

It’s time to strut! I will teach you how to work a stage all the way from your toes to hair. The key to walking is finding the authentic energy you bring. At the point you hit the live show, you’ll build the muscle memory so that your walk is just like “riding a bike”. This way, you will be able to be present in the moment while the spotlight is on you.

Bio/Profile Writing

No matter where you are in your bio writing, I am here to help! We will take a deep dive into what sets your heart on fire to create a bio that jumps off the page. While some believe you have no idea what questions will be asked in interview, with a well-written bio you have the power to take the interview into your own hands.

Social Media Plan

Pageant prep goes beyond what you bring to the stage. In the digital age, a well-rounded queen has a strong presence on social media. My expertise in social media management will demonstrate to judges and fans another reason you are fit for the crown. After winning Miss Arkansas USA, one of the judges told me that my social media presence took it to the next level and I want the same feedback for you!


“Lauren has helped me with all phases of competition and has amazing wardrobe advice! I love working with Lauren because she pushes me to be the best version of myself and has multiple strategies that help me get what I want across effortlessly. She helps me feel confident and encourages me along my pageant journey! ”

Emily Edward, Miss Arkansas USA Contestant

Contact Lauren Ashton Weaver

Hi! Thank you for dropping by. I look forward to connecting with you! Please take the time to complete the form. For all pageant coaching inquiries, please proceed through the dark brown button below, “Pageant Coaching Inquiries”. Keep an eye on your email inbox, I will be reaching out ASAP!

-Lauren Ashton Weaver